Setting Up Vuforia Engine For Unity

Vuforia Engine is a software development kit (SDK) for creating Augmented Reality apps. With the SDK, you add advanced computer vision functionality to your application, allowing it to recognize images, objects, and spaces with intuitive options to configure your app to interact with the real world.

Vuforia Engine supports AR app development for Android, iOS, Lumin, and UWP devices.

STEP 1: Go to the Official website of Vuforia Engine

STEP 2: Select The Version of Vuforia Engine according to their features to be Downloaded

STEP 3: Select the required packages to be downloaded. We can select any of the following:

i) Add Vuforia Engine To a Unity Project or Upgrade to the latest version

ii) Download for Android

iii) Download for iOS

iv) Download for UWP

v) Download for Magic Leap 2 (beta)

STEP 4: Add Vuforia Engine to Unity

Add Vuforia Engine to Unity via Editor script

  1. Import the script from Unity’s menu Assets -> Import package -> Custom Package.

  2. When you click Import, it will prompt you with a popup, asking to:

    • Add Vuforia Engine Package.

    • Upgrade the project to the latest version if it already references a Vuforia Engine package.

  • Press Update and the Vuforia Engine SDK will be installed.


Add Vuforia Engine Packae from the Package Manager

In case you have downloaded the Vuforia Engine package for Unity before, it is also possible to add the tarball (.tgz) directly from the Package Manager window.

  1. First, download the package from the developer portal.

  2. In Unity, open the Package Manager from Window -> Package Manager and click the + icon.

  3. Select Add package from Tarball…

  1. Browse to the downloaded package and import it.


Add Vufoia Engine from the Asset Store

As a third option, you can also download the Vuforia Engine package from your account on Unity’s Asset Store. This requires that you use the same Unity account on the store and in your Unity project.

  1. Go to the Vuforia Engine listing in the Unity Asset Store and select Add to my Assets.

  2. In your Unity project, navigate to Window -> Package Manager and select Packages: My Assets.

  1. The Vuforia Engine package should now appear on the list. Select it and press Download, then Import.

  1. The download of this package includes the tarball package of Vuforia Engine that will be automatically added to your project.

TIP: The asset can in the future be updated and reimported into your project from the package manager’s asset.